رویدادهای مدرسه

گزارش زبان

زبان انگلیسی کلاس چهارم

کلاس چهارم دبستان

خلاصه :

درس زبان کلاس چهارم دبستان روزهای ۷ و ۹ و ۱۱ دی ماه

  • Teacher: Donya Daghlavi
  • Fourth grade
  • Subject: lesson four (lunchtime + I have/haven't got)
  • First session: Since they were off for a week, we had dictation on paper and on the board. They corrected their own dictation and wrote homework for themselves.
  • Second session: I drew a happy face and a sad face on the board and stuck picture of foods introduced in chapter 4 on the board. Girls started telling me which ones they liked and disliked and i wrote it on the board. Then listened to p.46 voice and repeated. Then each read it out loud.
  • Third session: For review, each were given a letter (ex: E). Then I would say "Apple" and who ever had the letters A, P, P, L, E had to come up and stand in the right order and form the word "Apple". I first drew a lunch box on the board and filled it with an apple and a banana and a cheese sandwitch. Then i asked: what do I have in my lunch box? And wrote their answers on the board. Then they drew their own lunch box and filled it by choice and wrote the content of their lunch box under their drawing (ex: I have got a carrot)

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