رویدادهای مدرسه
کلاس زبان سوم
کلاس سوم
خلاصه :
گزارش زبان سوم روزهای ۱۹ و ۲۳ بهمن ماهTeacher: Mehri Moosavi. Grade: 3rd. ▪First session: we start lesson five and we reviewed days of week. Then l taught pages 58 and 59. Students learnt some verbs: ride a bike,ride a pony, play piano, play football and go swimming and how use these activities with days of week.e,g "l go swimming on saturdays.",.. ▪Second session: we reviewed dictation of days of week with filling blanck letters of words. Then l taught the song and some new verbs: hide_and_seek, play ball and play camputer game. Next we sang the song for several times.