رویدادهای مدرسه


کلاس زبان اول

کلاس اول

خلاصه :

گزارش زبان انگلیسی اول روزهای۱۴،۱۲ و ۱۶ بهمن ماه

Teacher: Mehri Moosavi                   Grade: 1st                                            ▪First session: we reviewed some types of home that Ss have learnt. Then we made craft. Ss cut out toys and cupboard, sofa,...and coloured them and l said ,e.g "put the plane on the armchair" and Ss did it with their crafts.( you can watch the recorded movie in school's instagram.)                                      ▪Second session: we started unit 6. I taught the name of some animals: cow,horse,rabbit, sheep, dog and cat. Then l worked on numbers and animals: five cats. 7 sheeps,..                          ▪Third session: we reviewed the name of animals. And l taught the black sheep song. ( l found this song more interesting than the student book's song.)

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