رویدادهای مدرسه


کلاس زبان اول

کلاس اول

خلاصه :

گزارش هفتگی زبان کلاس سوم روزهای یازدهم و سیزدهم آذر ماه

Teacher: Mehri Moosavo                  Grade: 1st                                              Unit:3                                                     ▪First session: l drew a face on the board and l taught different parts of face ( eyes, nose, ears, face,teeth, mouth). Then we practiced them by touching our different parts of face and calling their names loudly 'my eyes, my nose,...). Next l showed them a painting of Gina's face and played the chant and Ss came to the front one by one and pointed to the parts of face that mentioned in the chant by Gina.                                                 ▪Second session. We reviewed face, mouth,...Ss came to the board and touched their face and said ' my teeth ,..' and other Ss repeated. Then l taught four feelings (happy, sad, scared, angry) by showing pictures. Then Ss stood up and l said 'l'm angry' and we all together mimed the feelings. Next Ss came to the front and said l'm happy,.. and took a happy face,...

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