رویدادهای مدرسه
کلاس زبان اول
کلاس اول
خلاصه :
گزارش هفتگی زبان کلاس اول روزهای شنبه چهاردهم و چهارشنبه هجدهم دی ماه.Teacher: Mehri Moosavi. Grade:1st ▪First session: we reviewed toys and numbers 1to 10. Then l taught the story. Ss learnt: This is fun/Where's the ball./l've got an idea./Be careful!/crocidile/We've got the ball now. Then Ss acted out the story. ▪Second session: we reviewed numbers, l told 'show me number eight with your fingers.' Ss did that,... I asked Ss one by one to tell to the class one sentence with 'l've got' and 'l haven't got' ,e.g. 'l've got a blue pencil case./l haven't got a black bag.',... and l taught ( hop, jump, skip, throw a ball,catch a ball and bounce.) I told and Ss acted out.